by C. Lynn Lenahan, Associate Broker
1st Choice Better Homes and Land, LLC

Hey everyone, it’s Lynn Lenahan, Assoc. Broker/REALTOR® of 1st Choice Better Homes & Land. I am honored to also vice-chair the 2018 Professional Standards Committee.

I am very passionate about Professionalism and what it means for us as REALTORS®. I’m so passionate, it put me in the hot seat to write a brief article on Professionalism.  Wow, to me that’s like saying, write a brief about the United States. Really?? Professionalism…brief… the word brief and Professionalism shouldn’t EVEN be allowed in the same sentence.

Ok, where to start…

For a topic so broad, I thought, get to the basics Lynn…definition.  The dictionary (on line) should cut to the chase. So…according to Oxford Dictionaries, “Professionalism is the competence or skill expected of a professional.”

I really wish they hadn’t used “professional” in the definition of professionalism, it kind of defeats the purpose to me. Ok, let’s see if we can make it more specific to real estate and see what might jump out.

Re-Phrase:  A REALTOR® is a professional who is expected to be competent and skilled at their craft.  Boom!  Hmmmmmm…. Expected.  Ah—ha!  That’s the key word, expected.  It isn’t hoped or wished, it’s expectedIt is EXPECTED of us to be competent and skilled.

So, we have the Code of Ethics which is a clear guide of do’s and don’ts. I think you’d agree, it’s very clear and concrete.  That’s not saying some of the scenarios we find ourselves in don’t get us unintentionally tangled up.

But what is expected of us is clear.  

We will often hear, above all else, follow “The Golden Rule”.  Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you follow the Golden Rule, you can’t lose.  Professionalism definitely includes the Golden Rule.

But…Professionalism also includes the Code of Ethics and highlighted in that is respect.  That’s right, R-E-S-P-E-C-T…or the public, property, and peers.  It’s paramount.  Again, stay with me.  Let’s put this all together and step out of the box for an example.

Consider with me a very successful and relevant business model:  Chic Fil A. No, I’m not off my rocker. Come on…admit it.  Wouldn’t you agree: Chic Fil A’s got it going on! They are somehow able to be closed on Sundays, and still, the consumer is loyal and supportive…returning with business time and time again.

What?  With all the restaurants out there, closed Sundays yet a smashing success!  When I consider my own personal experience, I can say the following:  I can count on them, I always know what to expect, they don’t disappoint. I know when they will be there and when they will not.  Their stores are clean and tidy, the associates always ask how they can serve me.

My order is accurate and consistent. They say to me it was a pleasure serving me. They are confident; they are accommodating to special requests and needs. They are timely. On the rare occasion they are delayed, be it because of me or someone else (usually me), I am sure to receive a gift card in appreciation of my wait.

They are kind to each other.  They work together like a well-oiled machine, looking to make my time with them as special as possible.  This model embodies a thoroughly thought out process, a model and people working that model who are confident in their craft and skilled from start to finish.  It’s a perfect working example of Professionalism.  E…VER…Y…TIME.

I know, we are Real-Estate-Long-Major-Life-Decision not Chic-Fil-A-Fast-Food.  Either way though, isn’t it still all about the art of being Professional?  Professionalism…one who is expected to be competent and skilled at their craft, with all that it embodies.

Food for thought (no pun intended but it happened and I like it so, yes, intended).  Pathways to Professionalism  Bookmark it.  Follow it.  Embrace it.  Good things are sure to happen on the flip side!

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