FAAR Releases Housing Gap Analysis

In 2024, FAAR conducted a housing gap analysis to assess the disparity between the current supply of housing and the demand within the greater Fredericksburg area housing and rental market.   
By understanding the gap, FAAR hopes to provide information for housing stakeholders and local governments to make informed decisions about resource allocation, policy development, and strategic planning to improve access to housing for underserved populations. The  study identifies and focuses on housing for our region’s core workforce and includes individual fact sheets for each locality within the FAAR footprint.
Housing Report Front Page

Click on the image above to open the presentation pdf

Front Page FAAR Housing Gap Analysis 2024
FAAR Fact Sheet Caroline
FAAR Fact Sheet Fredericksburg
FAAR Fact Sheet King George
FAAR Fact Sheet Orange
FAAR Fact Sheet Spotsylvania
FAAR Fact Sheet Stafford

Click on the image above to open the report pdf

FAAR Commissions a Growth and Housing Action Plan 

The Fredericksburg region has seen significant growth and change occur in recent years.  The population is booming, jobs are being added to the economy, new families are putting down roots, and long-time residents are staying put.  It’s projected that these patterns will continue for the coming years, and planning for this growth will be critical.  

In February of 2021, FAAR received the Growth and Housing Action Plan which provides a series of policies that the Association can advocate for to tackle the key housing challenges facing our region now and into the future.  Each policy contains a set of action steps to get plans in motion, garner support from stakeholders, and influence how the region grows, adapts, and prospers over time. 

FAAR Releases 2020 Fredericksburg Area Smart Growth Survey

In early 2020, FAAR contracted with the National Association of Realtors® to conduct a survey on growth and development attitudes in the Fredericksburg region.  The survey was conducted by the firm American Strategies and reached 425 adults aged 18 or older who indicated they live in the City of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania County, or Stafford County.  The survey was conducted March 5 through March 8, 2020.  

The survey looked at people’s opinions on quality of life, availability of amenities like access to medical facilities, entertainment, restaurants, and places of worship, housing affordability, barriers to homeownership, and priorities of local government.  The survey results provide the basis for further consideration by the FAAR Board of Directors about how the Association can continue to advocate for affordable housing and sustained, responsible growth.  

Click on the image above to open the survey pdf

Click on the image above to open the survey highlights one-pager

2017 Regional Housing Studies

In mid-2016, FAAR members and leadership returned from a conference energized about what great work other associations throughout the country had accomplished with a National Association of Realtors® (NAR) Smart Growth grant.  This grant is available to help local associations partner with local governments and other stakeholders to plan for the population of tomorrow.

FAAR engaged with the local Chamber of Commerce, Fredericksburg Regional Alliance, local governments, and other stakeholders to scope out a regional study.   FAAR applied for and received nearly $20,000 in grants from the NAR Smart Growth program and the Virginia Realtors® Issue Mobilization Fund to conduct the study.  The studies provide a baseline housing assessment of each locality in our service territory to include the City of Fredericksburg, and the counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford.  The studies also include projections for how much housing will be needed in each jurisdiction over the next 15 years.

The studies include metrics on population, household demographics, income levels, housing type, age of housing, and commuting patterns.  Click on the images below to read the individual housing studies or peruse the presentation of housing highlights at the right.

FAAR Spearheads Regional Housing Study

Click on the image above to open the presentation pdf

2017 Caroline Study Front
2017 Fred City front
2017 King George Study Front
2017 Spotsy Study Front
2017 Stafford Study Front
Compilation of all 5 Regional Housing Studies

FAAR Commissions Multi-Unit Housing Study

With funds provided through a Virginia Realtors® Issues Mobilization grant, FAAR contracted with the University of Mary Washington Center for Business Research to conduct the 2017 FAAR Multi-Unit Housing Study.

The researchers at UMW created a survey to send to area apartment complexes about their rental rates, units sizes, condition of buildings, and vacancy rates.  The study provides a baseline for elected officials and other housing stakeholders when discussing rental housing needs throughout our region.

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