Protecting our members’ ability to conduct business and also the rights of millions of property owners.How do we advocate on your behalf?
The Fredericksburg Area Association of Realtors® (FAAR) represents REALTOR® and affiliate members throughout the Fredericksburg area including the City of Fredericksburg, and the counties of Stafford, Spotsylvania, King George, Caroline, and Orange. Our members also work in the neighboring counties of Louisa, Prince William, and Westmoreland. FAAR focuses on protecting our members’ ability to conduct business and also the rights of millions of property owners across the region. FAAR works to build relationships with local elected officials to ensure that the real estate industry has a seat at the table when important decisions that impact the industry are being made.
REALTORS® Political Action Committee
Improving good government by stimulating Realtors® to become involved in government at every level.
Government Resources
Federal, state and local government legal resources for Realtors®.
Submit an Issue
Concerned about an issue? Tell us about it here!
Policy and Advocacy News
King George County looks to major downzoning to stop growth in rural areas
On November 4, 2024, the King George County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to send a resolution to the Planning Commission to initiate a text amendment to dramatically increase minimum lot sizes in all three agricultural zoning districts. These changes would impact...
City of Fredericksburg considers expanding housing affordability
The City of Fredericksburg is hosting a public hearing and potential final vote on the affordable housing project, Jeremiah Community, proposed by Micah Ecumenical Ministries. Micah Ministries is looking to build 100+ affordable units off Fall Hill Avenue and the...
FAAR sends letter of concern on Stafford County impact fees
Stafford County is currently considering a change to its current Transportation Impact Fee of $2,999. FAAR is concerned that the exorbitant fee will further impact housing affordability in the County and place an undue burden on purchasers of new home construction....
FAAR sends letter of concern on new rental property inspection guidelines
FAAR recently sent a letter to Virginia Housing, the agency that administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program in our region, expressing concerns about the new NSPIRE property inspection guidelines that HUD has issued for any properties being rented through...
FAAR Sends Letter to City of Fredericksburg Planning Commission in support of housing affordability
FAAR President Randy Walther sent a letter to the City of Fredericksburg Planning Commission in support of affordable housing efforts. Walther stressed the importance of housing affordability in fostering vibrant, thriving communities. This issue has even more...
FAAR approves state legislative agenda for 2025
FAAR recently approved a suite of issues that comprise the 2025 Legislative Agenda. These are issues that the Public Policy Committee discusses and motions and then the Board approves that impact the real estate industry. These issues are then submitted up to the...
Public Policy Committee
The FAAR Public Policy Committee consists of Realtor® and affiliate members who are interested in politics and policy. The group meets monthly to discuss issues of concern that impact the real estate profession. These issues are related to specific policies at the local, state, or federal level and also local elections. The Committee members work to develop solid relationships with local elected officials so that our Association has a seat the table when important decisions are being made that will impact the real estate market.
FAAR Legislative Positions
The FAAR Public Policy Committee reviews individual issues that agents are facing on a rolling basis. If the Committee identifies an issue that has implications for the real estate market as a whole, we will submit that issue to the Virginia Realtors® for potential inclusion in our statewide legislative platform before the General Assembly. View our current Legislative Package here. Interested in submitting an issue of concern? Do it here through our simple online form.
The Committee also frequently reviews and updates our Standing Positions. We refer back to these positions when we are asked to support or oppose something specific. These positions guide the response and engagement of our Association on issues in our local communities. Click here to view our current Standing Positions.
Advocacy Events
FAAR hosts events throughout the year that give members the opportunity to engage in advocacy efforts. Each February, Realtors® and affiliate members descend on Capitol Square in Richmond to lobby their members of the General Assembly on issues of importance to real estate. FAAR hosts roundtables 3-4 times per year throughout the region to address specific local issues and hot topics such sign regulations and economic development. FAAR frequently hosts events with local elected officials to give our members a chance to interact with those individuals who represent them.
Fredericksburg Area Market Statistics
FAAR has access to a wealth of statistical information that you can use in your publications, market research, and listing presentations. Want to know how the market is faring throughout the region? Read the latest FAAR reports and review market statistics by clicking on the links below.