City of Fredericksburg
Kerry Devine, Mayor
City of Fredericksburg, City Council
Kerry is a 20-year resident of the City and will focus on continuing the great things that have been started. She has served on the Council for many years and is a long-time educator in area schools.
Will Mackintosh, At-Large
City of Fredericksburg, City Council
Will is a professor at the University of Mary Washington with a deep knowledge of the City of Fredericksburg. He understands the important role that growth plays in a thriving jurisdiction and FAAR looks forward to working with him on the City Council.
Carrie Gonzalez, At-Large
King George County Board of Supervisors
Carrie has been a member of the King George School Board since 2019 and has learned a lot about the budgeting process. She believes growth is inevitable and that we must plan for it in a way that works for the County and its residents.
Bryan Nicol, District 5
Orange County Board of Supervisors
Bryan has lived in Lake of the Woods since 2006 and has served as an Orange County Planning Commissioner for the past two years. He believes housing is a huge issue and that we need a broad mix of housing to meet the needs of our citizens.
Dr. Deborah Frazier, Salem District
Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Dr. Frazier has been on the Board of Supervisors since 2019 and her main concern is ensuring that County residents have adequate infrastructure. She is currently a middle school principal in the County and wants to see a greater range of housing options so that more of her teachers can afford to live where they teach.
Gerald Childress, Chancellor District
Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors
Gerald is a native of Spotsylvania County and a former Marine. He was the Chairman of the EDA and currently serves on the Planning Commission. He wants to see greater commercial development to balance the tax burden on homeowners and is supportive of a wide range of housing options in the County.
Howard Rudat, Rock Hill District
Stafford County Board of Supervisors
Howard is retired Army and a small business owner in the County. He believes growth is inevitable and that we must embrace it and plan for it. He believes that downzoning was a mistake, creating more sprawl and denying farmers their value. He is looking forward to working with all stakeholders to try and build more affordable housing and expand our region’s workforce.
Tom Coen, George Washington District
Stafford County Board of Supervisors
Tom is a long-time ally of FAAR, standing strong with us in opposition to downzoning and encouraging a focus on affordable housing. Tom wants to work collaboratively with stakeholders and government officials to solve the issues facing the County.
Scott Mayausky
Stafford County Commissioner of the Revenue
Scott was first elected in the 1990s and has served Stafford County for many years. He is a strong proponent for private property rights and has been an ally to real estate on important issues like the downzoning. Scott is a calm and steady voice within the County and understands the value of real estate to the local economy.