Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation
Supports local charitable organizations with clients that struggle to secure and retain shelter.Donate to FAAR’s 501(c)(3), the Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation at any time
Click here to contribute.
Interested in sponsoring a Foundation function? Email for more information.
What is the Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation?
Founded in 1990 by the Fredericksburg Area Association of REALTORS®, the Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization. The Foundation solicits public and private contributions to distribute among various charitable organizations throughout the Fredericksburg area. It is governed by the IRS as a Section 501(c)(3) private foundation. All donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.
The Foundation provides grants to local charitable organizations whose clients struggle with hardships that threaten their ability to secure and retain shelter. The Board of Directors appoints the 13 Governors for a three-year term. The Governors are made up of 11 REALTORS® and two Affiliate member. Membership is encouraged to apply when positions become vacant.
Want to make a donation?
Donate online through, Paypal, or fill out the donation form here and make checks payable to the Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation.
Send your completed form to:
Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation
2050 Gordon W. Shelton Blvd.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Apply for a grant from the Foundation
Apply to serve as a Foundation Governor using our online form.
Organizations the Foundation has supported include:
Do you know of a charity that we are missing? Then give us their information so we can help even more people!
Do you work with a local charity doing great work related to housing? Then provide us with their information and the Fredericksburg Realtors Foundation will reach out and see if there is a way for us to help them.