It is time to take stock again in preparation for strategic planning. The 2015 strategic plan listed goals in specific areas. Over the last three years, through the coordinated efforts of members and staff, milestones were achieved. Please review the accomplishments and then take the survey that follows to assist in the goal setting for the 2018 Plan.


Take this short 10-question survey and you could win a gift card worth $100, $200, or $300!

Before you start look at what you have achieved…

Networking opportunities were expanded through Town Hall meetings and a variety of social events
A new website provided a user-friendly vehicle for registering and accessing information/news
Stepped up marketing of FAAR recognitions (awards) resulted in an increase in applications
Quarterly surveying of the membership revealed their needs and wants
An active Managing Broker Network encouraged a collegial atmosphere of cooperation
For the second year in a row, FAAR subsidized the cost of the members Sentrilock subscription fee

Education and Professional Development
A successful Orientation program, in an interactive environment, generated enthusiasm for belonging to FAAR
The Success Series provided street smarts information for newer agents
Hundreds of classes filled the needs of thousands of students on current topics
A new Ombudsman program diffused conflicts before they reach a formal complaint
Professional standards education was deepened by providing NAR case studies on the FAAR website

Advocacy, RPAC
Roundtable discussions with members and elected officials in the areas FAAR serves created mutual understanding
Depicting local examples of REALTOR® involvement in land use issues increased RPAC contributions by members
Extensive candidate interviews and elected official relationship building clarified interests
Expanded joint activities with the Chamber and FABA on mutual topics of interest expanded the influence of all

Community (Consumer) Outreach
Statistical housing information disseminated to the media and the public portrayed the correct economic profile
Published articles in the Free Lance Star’s House & Home on housing showed the value of REALTORS®
Distribution of thousands of dollars to area agencies by the Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation exemplified FAAR’s willingness to give back to the community
Grants awarded to FAAR to fund housing projects and studies supplied the information to support findings

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