Ginny Vickers, SFR, ABR, MRP, SRS
Buffalo, NY
Current Location
REALTOR® at 1st Choice Better Homes & Land
Number of Years in the Industry
Why do you love working in real estate?
Taking care of people. Having been an RN for many years, I was ready for a change. I enjoy making a difference for my clients and negotiating the best terms for them. It’s great to be a part of that and very satisfying.
Favorite Work Story
I had a buyer interested in one of my Listings. I showed him the home and he was very interested in it. I then explained that I don’t do dual agency and I would have to refer him to another agent who would help him purchase the home. After thinking about it overnight, he called and said he wanted to keep looking and didn’t want to lose me as his agent.
What are you most proud of in your career?
The 110% I give to all my clients and their welfare.
Do you have a special cause or volunteer your time?
Habitat for Humanity- always ready to help those who want to help themselves!
Fun Fact
Everything changes but stays the same.