The Fredericksburg Area Association of REALTORS® Member Spotlight feature allows members of the community to get to know each other before working with each other in a transaction. Each member answers a series of questions to reveal more about themselves as people. It is FAAR’s hope that learning about an individual may spark connections that blossom via email, phone conversations or in-person meetings at events and classes.
Sandra Hamill
Florence, OR
Current Location
REALTOR® at Nest Realty Group
Number of Years in the Industry
almost 7
Why do you love working in real estate?
The joy that someone feels when they get a home especially a first time buyer is beyond compare, I know I remember my first home. Helping people get to that goal no matter what the circumstance is what keeps me going every day.
Favorite Work Story
Actually it is a FAAR Meetup story. I have developed somewhat of a reputation with my gifts to clients and at gift exchanges at the Christmas Meetup- I love Glitter. I remember one year everyone was fighting or my gift, cause it had fabulous truffles in it, and in the end they were all covered in glitter if they touched the box or ribbon. Barry Moore said he had glitter in places it should never be for days!!
What are you most proud of in your career?
I am most proud of being able to help young people realize the goal of getting their credit right and being able to buy a house. No transaction is too small if it makes someone happy. Especially when they thought they could never achieve the dream of owning a home.
Do you have a special cause or volunteer your time?
I love going to Habitat Events. I have worked the Women’s Build and other things throughout my years here. My favorite cause though to donate to attend events for is Domestic Violence. I have worked to end this for 20 yrs.
Fun Fact
As a member of Toastmasters a few years ago I won so many trophies my husband thought he was going to have build a seperate room for them. I guess it pays to get a BS in BS!!!