Correction to this story: Mike has some of the items needed for the whole-house generator to be functional but not all. He still needs $3,000 additional financial help to make it happen so please help spread the word and let’s get this project across the finish line! Contributions to Mike’s project can be made to the 516 Project at, just denote “Mike Witt” when making a contribution.
The Fredericksburg Realtors® Foundation has granted out nearly $20,000 this year and that’s a lot of money for us! It’s easy to see this process as purely administrative. We consider a grant, get the check cut, work with the recipient and Governors to schedule a day to present the check, write out the big check, and make sure everyone is reminded about the date. We certainly are keenly aware that our money is helping someone, but rarely do we get an intimate look at that individual’s life.
We recently got that look and it was a powerful reminder of the good work that we are doing through the generosity of our members. Earlier this summer, we awarded $2,500 to the 516 Project to help them install a whole-house generator at the home of Mike Witt. Some of you may remember his story. During his work at his tree cutting service, Mike fell out of a tree and sustained extensive injuries. He is now confined to a wheelchair and relies on near-constant care of from paid providers, friends, and volunteers to complete everyday tasks.
The addition of the generator is a huge quality of life improvement for Mike. Now Mike will not have to worry about heat or cold impacting him when he loses electricity. He will be able to see in his room, and his food will not go bad in his refrigerator. He can stay in his home for extended periods of outage and his caregivers know that his home will be safe and secure in the event of bad weather.
Foundation Governors Mary Beth Rich, Carol Sondrini, and Randy Walther along with FAAR staff member Kim McClellan and her son Jack, and FAAR member and Mike’s good friend, Ann Black, were on hand to visit with Mike. His friend Jake Walther and his dog, Cash, also stopped by for a visit. Jack entertained Mike’s dog, Laica, and Cash for hours throwing the ball while the adults shared stories and laughed together. It was a true privilege to be a part of Mike’s day and see the impact that the generosity of our members has on a member of our community.