by Pat Breme, RCE, CIPS
Chief Executive Officer
The Nominating Committee selects candidates based on how invested the person is or hopes to be in the future of the association. The group looks at the skills each can bring to the table, past or current participation and a basic understanding of the Board responsibilities.
Each year a list is compiled of members who others have suggested, those who self-nominate and those identified by current leaders as potential policy makers for FAAR. The Nominating Committee sees the value in having many different companies represented around the table as well as a mix of brokers and street agents, young and seasoned agents but all that is secondary to what the individual can contribute and their passion to serve.
The Policy Manual states that an individual should serve at least one year on a Committee. Sometimes that policy is less important than getting someone on the Board who represents a specific category of real estate or need of the Board. The rationale of the policy is that a person who becomes part of the decision-making process of the association should have a working knowledge of how it works, what the strategic plan addresses, the work of committees and some comfort level with financial statements and investment strategies. Having a sense of the culture of FAAR is also helpful because that understanding comes from knowing how FAAR REALTORS® work and what they want and need to be successful.
For those who are interested in serving on the Board, join one Committee, attend a few events, study the strategic plan. The Nominating Committee is not looking for association junkies. In the interviewing process, they are impressed by those who take the time to study up on the subject of FAAR. Ultimately, the 13 individuals who sit at the table have fiduciary responsibilities to spend the member’s money wisely and make policies that benefit the members and the financial health of the association.
By all means, throw your hat in the ring. FAAR needs new and different views. The Nominating Committee meets in June. Look for the outreach inviting all those interested to apply. The nomination process is a like job interview, understandably, a job interview for a volunteer position, but a position that requires knowledge, commitment and expertise, none the less.
View the Sample Ballot for 2019 Leadership here
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