With the summer nearly in full swing at Lake Anna, your clients may have questions about fire and rescue coverage. Here is an update courtesy of Spotsylvania County. Still have questions? Email Kim McClellan and she will run them down for you.
Spotsylvania County Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management has a new fire boat on the agenda for the next Board of Supervisors meeting. (Update: this was approved by the Board along with 3 new fire tankers.)
We have 3 fire and rescue stations that cover the Spotsylvania side of the lake.
- Company 3 can access the lake within 5 minutes or less at Amy Drive.
- Company 2 can access the lake within 4 minutes or less at Sturgeon Creek Marina.
- Company 9 can access the lake within 2 minutes or less at Hunter’s Landing.
Currently we have 1 dive boat at Company 2.
Company 3 and 9 have small inflatable rescue boats and life jackets.
All stations are staffed 24 / 7 with 5 personnel and at least 1 paramedic.