by Matthew Rathbun, 2020 Managing Brokers Network Chair
For over 100 years, the real estate industry has been a collection of individuals who have been at times collaborators and at times adversaries. The forward motion of the industry has been perpetuated by those who show up to be collaborators. It is when industry leaders meet together to discuss the problems at hand and to try and find a resolution to those problems in a unified manner. The FAAR Managing Broker Network is designed to allow leaders from each brokerage to meet together just a few times a year, so that we may learn together and share ways in with the Association, the MLS, and other entities can improve.
This year we are holding one MBN meeting each quarter and are designing those meetings to ensure that they are positive learning opportunities and also a way to provide feedback for our Association leadership on what the organization can do to help us all succeed. These meetings provide a unique opportunity to get to know your fellow brokers. The time invested in these meetings are minimal, but the return on investment large. Knowing your fellow broker before conflicts exist will make it easier to resolve, learning about new regulations and forms will make delivering value to your agents that much easier and providing feedback to the Association may help shape FAAR in the future to provider greater value to your and your agents.
I hope that all of those in leadership will take advantage of these meetings and the closed Facebook group to help all of us find a greater path forward in this industry.