We hope our launch video filmed back in February brings you a moment of joy as we try to provide for the less fortunate this year. Thank you for your support.
A History of Giving
In the past 3 years, REALTORS® gave back over $50,000 to local housing-related organizations and charities through the Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation.
We could not do this without your support. There is no doubt, we are currently in a period of change that is affecting many. The need has always been great, but now it is even greater. That’s why the Foundation is launching the $20 for 2020 campaign now.
This Year is Different
Since January 1, the Foundation has granted out over $10,000 to local charities to help with the crushing demand they’ve experienced caused by COVID-19. That leaves us with just $5,000 left and grants coming in every week. Help us be able to say YES to these cries for help!
We know there are many worthy charities in our community, but why not join forces with 1,700 of your fellow Realtors® in support of the Foundation? We are the face of REALTOR® giving in the Fredericksburg region.
We encourage each of you to commit to donating $20 in 2020 so the Foundation can continue to meet the emergency grant requests coming in from local charities.
To make a donation or learn more about the Foundation visit www.faarmembers.com/foundation or follow the Foundation on Facebook for updates!

Happy Hour for a Good Cause – Thursday April 30th, 2020 from 4-5 PM
Join the Foundation Governors for a kickoff Happy Hour from your own living room! Join the meeting at bit.ly/happyhourforgood
Thank you from the Fredericksburg REALTORS® Foundation Governors
Anne Overington, Century 21 Redwood Realty | anneo@c21redwood.com
Debbie Irwin, BHHS Select Realty | debbie@debbieirwinrealtor.com
Carrie Danko, 1st Choice Better Homes and Land | carrieldanko@gmail.com
Shannon Mauro, United Real Estate Premier | themauroteam@gmail.com
Jennifer Doughty, CTI Real Estate | jdoughtvil@aol.com
Erin Witt, CMS Mortgage Solutions | erin@cmsmortgagesolutions.com
Randy Walther, Nest Realty | randywalther@fxbg.net
Abby Fitzsimmons, Coldwell Banker Elite | afitzsimmons@cbeva.com
Carol Sondrini, Coldwell Banker Elite | carolsondrini@gmail.com
David Cropper, Weichert Realtors | David@CropperHomeSales.com
Pam Godfrey, Universal Title | pgodfrey@universaltitle.com