Would you like to be part of the decision making as FAAR moves into the post COVID-19 new normal?
Does a leadership role in FAAR interest you?
Are you ready to give back to the REALTOR® community?
-Pat Breme, CIPS, RCE
If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions than you might be interested in running for the 2020 FAAR Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee is accepting applications until June 5.
The Board is a hard working body of 13 people who set policy for the entire association. The group meets monthly to ponder issues, solve problems and keep the association financially solvent by carefully managing funds and investments.
A new Director commented, “ I had no idea the Board did so much.” A lot of deliberation is given to each topic on the agenda. The reoccurring question asked? “Is this good for the membership?”
Affiliate Candidate
The members voted in 2017 to add an affiliate member position on the Board of Directors. Affiliate members are welcome to submit an application. The Affiliate Director has full voting rights, serves no longer than a two-year term and may not serve as an Officer. Affiliate members applying for consideration follow the same application and vetting process (interviewed by the Nominating Committee) as an agent member would follow in applying to run for the Board of Directors.
Affiliate applications are reviewed by the Nominating Committee and those persons who meet the basic requirements of service to the Association, exhibit leadership characteristics and a willingness to dedicate time and energy will be considered for an interview by the Committee. The Committee can recommend all the applicants, one or none, but not more than three may be placed on the ballot. The affiliate candidate getting the highest number of votes receives the position.
Application Below
Below is the application for a new director and the Leadership Code of Conduct forms. Return the completed forms to me at pbreme@faarmembers.com on or before June 5. Selected applicants will be notified of an interview time.
Please contact me, pbreme@faarmembers.com with questions you might have. View the contact information for the 2020 Leadership Team at faarmembers.com/leadership. Each would be happy to answer any questions you might have about serving.
The terms are either for 2 or 3 years. Is the Board a clique? Yes, if you define the word as a group of people with common interest. The common interest is YOU!