Help your virtual transaction run smoothly with these great tips from Chip Taylor and Kevin McGrath. Check out these tips from our Roadmap to a Virtual Transaction webinar. Read the great tips and then check out the video!
Virtual Open House
A virtual open house is a major tool in your digital toolbelt. This allows you to personally walk dozens of potential clients through your listing. Facebook can make your showing easily accessible to hundreds of people in your area!
Utilize Digital Meeting Spaces
In addition to a virtual open house, you can both impress your clients and streamline your process by utilizing digital meeting spaces. From getting the client to the closing, virtual meetings allow you to meet your clients right in their own living room. Great programs like Zoom and Google Hangout are perfect for this!
Preparing for Appraisals
Finally, it is important to know that some appraisals are being done based on listing photos and photos provided by the agent to the appraiser. Taking detailed photos of the home can benefit your property owner. Including photos from the owner of unique features can also assist in the valuation of the home.
Check out these great tips about conducting a virtual transaction in the video below!