While the staff at FAAR has been hard at work from home, the easing of restrictions on businesses announced by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has the staff excited to come back and serve our members in real life. The safety of our staff, our members, and the public is paramount to FAAR so we have created a phased reopening approach.
The entire office was deep cleaned. At the front desk, plexiglass partitions were installed to minimize person-to-person contact during transactions. We are stocked up on hand sanitizers and disinfectants so that the staff can regularly clean the frequently used areas such as door handles, bathrooms, and classroom.
FAAR is open on an appointment-only basis to start and then will reopen fully with adherence to the Governor’s requirements and with continued virtual capabilities. Check out the full details of the reopening schedule, the staff looks forward to continuing to provide the membership with great service!
May 18: FAAR staff returns to work
- Members are welcomed in the building on an appointment-only basis
- For your safety and for the safety of those around you, we require that face coverings and a 6-foot social distance be maintained at all times
- Staff will wear masks when interacting with members
- We will continue all current services virtually as well as serving you in the office
- Staff will conduct frequent wipe downs of high-touch areas such as the front desk, elevator buttons, shared equipment, kitchen counter, faucets, microwave, refrigerator, etc.
June 1: FAAR resumes normal business hours for all members
- For your safety and the safety of those around, FAAR encourages all members and the public visiting the building to wear face coverings and maintain a 6-foot social distance
- Staff will continue to disinfect high-touch areas on a frequent basis
- FAAR will continue to offer classes, meetings, and events in a virtual format in addition to in-person at the office, as allowed by the Governor’s orders
Enjoyed conducting all of your FAAR business remotely? No need to stop! We will continue to offer virtual processing of all membership services, touchless store pickups upon request, and virtual learning for CE credit.