Do you represent landlords throughout the region? Do you have some available properties? Then you’ll want to check out this program from our local non-profit partners that will house homeless families AND get your landlords a signing bonus! Read on for more details…
From Micah Ministries, administrator of the Stable Homes Partnership which serves Empowerhouse, Loisann’s Hope House, Micah and the Thurman Brisben Center
Recent CARES Act funding has presented an immediate opportunity for the Fredericksburg region to permanently re-house those experiencing homelessness. With your help, the majority of those currently staying in the community’s emergency shelters could be housed by Christmas. Our goal is to get 95 households housed in the next 90 days.
LANDLORDS: DOUBLE your rent for the first month!
Landlords have an extraordinary opportunity to join homeless services in ending homelessness in the Fredericksburg region! Sign a lease with a household experiencing homelessness between October 1 and Christmas Eve (December 24) and receive a signing bonus in addition to the regular security deposit and the first month’s rent. Your signing bonus will equal one month of rent. It is free and is our way of saying thank you for doing your part to end homelessness in the Fredericksburg region.
Make a house a HOME this Christmas!
Micah congregations have developed a system to collect donated furniture and household items. They will then distribute them to those who need it. Drop off gently used sofas, beds, tables, chairs, dressers and other household essentials at 1212 Lafayette Blvd., Tuesday through Thursday from 9am to 1pm or complete our online donation form to arrange a pick-up.
Want to get involved in the program? Call 540-760-3310 to connect with the Community Housing Locator.