Sample Ballot
Slate of Candidates- 2023 Leadership
Electronic Voting begins August 9 and ends September 14 at noon
FAAR offers electronic voting for its members. The ballot will be sent via email to each REALTOR® member on August 9. Voting closes September 14 at noon. The results will be announced on September 14, 3:00 p.m., at the General Membership Meeting on the floor of the FAAR Expo ( The results will be communicated to the entire membership September 15.
Here are the candidates for your 2023 Board of Directors:
President Carol Sondrini
President-Elect Randy Walther
Vice President Dawn Josemans
Secretary Kardin Lillis
Treasurer Lauren Tate
Immediate Past President Deb Ellis
Director Candidates – three (3) positions open. Select up to three (3).
__ LeAnn Black
__ Michelle Caldwell Thompson
__ David Cropper
__ Stephanie Hiner
__ Meghan Kala
__ Evelyn Martin
__ Tamar Myers-Moffatt
__ Don Pett
(Continuing from the 2022 Board- Abby Fitzsimmons (2023 & 2024), Gary Gardiner (2023), Matthew Rathbun (2023)
Two candidates for one (1) affiliate position. Select one (1).
__ Chad Hallett
__ Sherrie Shaw
From Section 8 a. of the Bylaws:
“…Additional candidates for the offices to be filled may be placed in nomination by signed petition of at least twenty percent* of the REALTOR® members. The petition shall be filed with the Secretary by August 1, 2022. The Secretary shall send notice of such additional nominations to all REALTOR® members before the election.”
*As of 6/22/2022 there are 1,880 REALTOR® members; 376 names are needed to complete the petition requirement; and the petition must be sent to the CEO of FAAR (Page Browning no later than August 1, 2022.
REALTOR® Members can log in to vote from 8/9 to 9/14 at
Your Voter ID is your NRDS/M1 Number
Your Voter Key is your NRDS/M1 Number
1-Minute Candidate Videos
LeAnn Black
Michelle Caldwell Thompson
David Cropper
Stephanie Hiner
Tamar Myers-Moffatt
Don Pett
Sherrie Shaw