On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, the Fredericksburg Area Association of Realtors® (FAAR) presented the Orange County Broadband Authority with a certificate of recognition for “outstanding results in serving and connecting the community” and “being a leader in broadband development in Central Virginia.” Orange County Broadband Authority and Board of Supervisors members Jim Crozier and Jim White were in attendance to receive the award.
FAAR Communications and Technology Committee Chair Michael Brannon presented the award stating, “The Committee is beyond impressed with Orange County’s commitment to expanding broadband accessibility and affordability. The county’s efforts to provide all citizens with broadband service aligns with FAAR’s Strategic Plan goals of inclusion and is indeed notable.”
FAAR members have long known that broadband connectivity is extremely important to buyers in today’s market. Average home sale prices indicate that broadband access could impact the sale price of a home by 13% and that homeowners have come to regard Internet service as public utilities like lights and water. As the coronavirus pandemic shifted all aspects of life online, FAAR members feared that our region’s rural areas would struggle the most. FAAR embarked on a two-year long journey to learn about broadband coverage in the region and what efforts were underway to expand it. Orange County proved to be a leader in every way on broadband deployment and deserves to be recognized for their commitment to serving every household in the county.