Stafford County has set an advertised tax rate of 1.175 for the upcoming fiscal year, a whopping 32-cent increase from current levels. This number includes a nearly 30-cent increase in the real estate tax from the current rate of 0.85 per $100 of assessed value to 1.145 plus a 0.03 county-wide fire levy. This could mean an increase of more than $1,300 per year for average homeowners. But the final decision won’t be made until the County’s April 18 budget meeting. The advertised rate sets the ceiling of how high tax rates can go, but Supervisors are allowed to adopt a lower rate than that and they almost always do.
The public is invited to share their thoughts on the advertised rate at an upcoming public hearing so if you’re concerned about the increase, make plans to attend or submit comments. Online public comments will be accepted starting on Friday, March 31.
Hearing information: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 7:00pm
Board Chambers
1300 Courthouse Road
Stafford, VA 22554
Submit Public Comments starting March 31st