Early Registration Special:
Enjoy both classes, lunch and reception for just $99 FAAR members/ $149 Non-members when you register prior to September 21st.
Fundamentals of the Financial Calculator for the Commercial REALTOR
8:30 am – 12:00 noon
In order to achieve success in the commercial real estate industry, the commercial REALTOR needs to know how to make important financial calculations that impact their real estate transactions. The Hewlett Packard HP-10BII calculator is the standard calculator in the real estate industry. This course will teach the participant how to effectively use the calculator to solve a host of problems such as how
• to understand and make time value of money calculations
• to calculate the effective yield to a lender
• to determine the true cost of borrowed funds to the borrower
• to understand and make internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV) calculations
• to use specialized function keys – AMORT, K, %/%CHG, CFJ/NJ, RCL/STO and other keys
Lunch included!
Preparing to Negotiate: Secrets and Tactics of a Skilled Commercial Negotiator
12:30 – 2:30 pm
The importance of negotiation and negotiation skills in the real estate industry cannot be overstated. Consummated real estate transactions, whether residential or commercial, do not magically occur, they are the result of the interaction and negotiation between the principles of the transaction. This course will sharpen negotiation skills of real estate agents and brokers, covering both monetary and nonmonetary terms.
FREE Commercial Reception
4:30 to 5:30 pm
Join us after classes for a wine and cheese reception to network with area commercial practitioners and discuss projects and properties of interest!