Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd, how are you going to cast your vote?? Get all the info on 2020 voting options!
This year’s election is no doubt a big one and many people are concerned about how to cast their vote. Will you vote in-person at your polling place or join the ranks of people expected to vote absentee by mail due to the pandemic? Check out some options below for voting and choose what is right for you. The ballot will include President, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and Virginia Constitutional Amendments.
Voters are able to request an absentee ballot now. Absentee Ballots for the November 3, 2020 Election will begin to be mailed out the week of September 16, 2020 and continuously through the application deadline of October 23, 2020. Absentee ballot applications are processed daily.
Friday, September 18 Early Voting begins
Tuesday, October 13 Last day to register/update registration to vote in the November 3 election
Friday, October 23 at 5:00 p.m. Application deadline to request Vote by Mail ballot be mailed to you
Saturday, October 24 8:30am-4:30pm Early voting in the Registrar’s office
Monday-Saturday, October 26-October 31 8:30-am-4:30pm Early voting in the Registrar’s office
Tuesday, November 3 Election Day Polls will be open from 6:00am-7:00pm
For more information, to check your registration status, or to request an absentee ballot, visit the Virginia Department of Elections.