Eviction Moratorium
What is the current status of evictions in Virginia? Can landlords evict individuals for non-payment of rent or other lease violations?
The answer is yes, but with qualifications. While the statewide eviction moratorium has ended, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has instituted a nationwide eviction moratorium for folks unable to pay rent due to financial impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. Any renter who certifies that they meet certain criteria cannot be evicted for failure to pay rent. However, tenants can be evicted for other lease violations and Virginia courts are accepting unlawful detainers.
NAR has issued a brief on the federal eviction moratorium that details the criteria for protection. Check out the document below for full information.
Rent and Mortgage Assistance
Is there funding available to help tenants with rent and homeowners with mortgage payments?
Yes, the state has allotted federal CARES Act money to provide assistance to those who cannot make their rent or mortgage payments due to financial losses from the coronavirus pandemic. The Rappahannock Area United Way is the administrator of those funds in our area and is currently accepting applications for assistance. Please click the button below to be directed to the United Way’s website for information on the program, how it works and who is eligible.