Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are heading to the Fredericksburg City Council this week with a public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, June 27 at 7:30pm in the Council Chambers. The Council is expected to hold the public hearing open and proceed to a final vote at their July 11 meeting. This action culminates a months-long process of gathering public feedback and revising the ADU ordinance after consideration of that feedback. FAAR has been vocally supportive of authorizing ADUs as a way to increase our housing stock and preserve landowners private property rights.
City Planning Staff has laid out two different approaches for the City Council to take on ADUs.
Version 1– the Planning Commission’s recommended ordinance which allows for either attached or detached ADUs by-right.
Version 2– an alternate version that would only allow for attached/internal ADUs and would prohibit ADUs that are not connected to or within the main house– even within existing structures like garages.
If you would like to comment on ADUs, there are two ways to get involved.
Option 1: Attend the June 27 and/or July 11 City Council meetings (both are at 7:30pm at City Hall) and speak in person
Option 2: Submit an email comment by filling out this form. The comment must be received at least 4 hours in advance of the meeting to be read into record.
For more information about ADUs and the City of Fredericksburg, please visit: