The REALTOR® Cereal Drive is back!
2022 was an amazing year for the annual REALTOR® cereal drive. Help us beat our 2022 numbers and reach the 2023 goal of 20,000 boxes, all of which go to local area food banks! Use the cereal drive as a way to reconnect with your sphere and look for REALTOR®-branded marketing pieces (post-card and flyer) to enhance efforts of collecting cereal from clients and customers.
Let us know if your office plans to participate by emailing Barbara Castillo McGrath with your office and contact information by October 3rd.
Collected cereal can be dropped off at the October 26th Halloween Mixer at Wilderness Run Winery from 5-7 PM or for large pick-ups, the Fredericksburg food van can be scheduled to pick up from your location!
Download this square image to help with your marketing
Download this square image to help with your marketing
Download this 8.5"x11" flyer to help with your marketing
Download the customizable 8.5″x11″ flyer to help with your marketing
or open the customizable 8.5″x11″ as a canva template
*Not attending the mixer? Just drop directly at the food bank and inform Barbara Castillo McGrath of your box count by October 26 at
* Want your cereal to go to a different food bank/pantry? No problem, take it wherever you like and send cereal counts by October 26 to
* Have too much cereal to bring to the Halloween Mixer? Barbara Castillo McGrath will arrange a pick up for you, please email by October 23.
*Collecting cash instead? That’s great! Bring the donation to the Halloween Mixer or FAAR by October 26th and it will be counted as $1 = 1 Box!
Cereal Drive Office Contest Sign Up 2023
Yes.. I want my office to participate in the annual FAAR Cereal Drive.