NAR Founding Member of the Housing Solutions Coalition

NAR is a founding member of the recently formed Housing Solutions Coalition to address the sharp rise in rent control policies and the constraints that housing supply is facing, leading to high prices and many families and individuals feeling squeezed out of their...

New endangered species listing causes confusion about lot clearing

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has named the Northern long-eared bat to the endangered species list.  This means that the bat now has the full protections of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) which includes protecting critical habitat.  That includes restrictions...

Stafford County eyeing historic tax increase

Stafford County has set an advertised tax rate of 1.175 for the upcoming fiscal year, a whopping 32-cent increase from current levels.  This number includes a nearly 30-cent increase in the real estate tax from the current rate of 0.85 per $100 of assessed value to...

FAAR sends letter to King George County on short-term rentals

On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, FAAR sent a letter of concern to the Supervisors and Planning Commissioners of King George County regarding their proposed short-term rental ordinance.  The proposal includes a principal residence requirement for short-term rentals and...
2023 Spring FAARside Newsletter now available

2023 Spring FAARside Newsletter now available

Your copy of FAAR’s Spring Newsletter, the FAARside is here! Crack open a copy to learn about what’s going on at the Association including a letter from the President, a letter from the CEO, general assembly update, and more! This edition of the...

King George County looks to regulate short-term rentals

King George County recently proposed a short-term rental ordinance that would require any short-term rental to be in a property owners’ principal residence, so a second home in the County could not be rented out as a short-term rental.  King George County Realtors®...

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