Resources for Brokers

Do you have delayed licenses?

  • Report new license applications that have reached 21 days without issuance from DPOR
  • Fill out the form below to alert FAAR to the problem
  • FAAR will refer information to the Virginia Realtors® for potential action directly with DPOR and for informational purposes

License Hotline

Form for brokers to report delayed licenses

Business days do not include holidays or weekends
Has DPOR been contacted for a follow up?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Broker FAQ

Hanging Licenses
  • Active licensees in a brokerage should be a member of an Association the Broker belongs to
  • If the licensee does not join an association, the Broker will be assessed a non-member salespersons fee.
  • This is a bylaw of NAR
    • Bylaw language can be found at
    • “For a REALTOR® (principal) to be exempt from paying size formula dues based on referral licensees, the licenses must be held by an entity separate from the REALTOR®’s brokerage firm, and all referrals must be made to the REALTOR’s brokerage firm on a substantially exclusive basis. The same REALTOR® can be a principal in both firms. An “entity” is a separate, legally recognized business and includes all possible structures for a business permitted under state law.”
  • If a licensee wishes to go on referral status they may, but the Broker must have a separate company for referrals.
Terminations and Transfers
  • When an agent is terminated from your office, please notify Lori Hillard Wehr with the specifics of the agents termination with the agent termination form found at
  • If an agent is moving offices within FAAR, the agent can login at, click on “Submit Office Transfer”, and follow the prompts.  An email will be sent to FAAR’s Membership Department and to the new Broker to approve.
  • If an agent is transferring from another association, they will need to fill out the application form, not the agent transfer form.
  • REALTOR® members must hold a valid license with DPOR. Upon expiration, the FAAR office will notify a member via email within 5 business days of the expiration. On the 10th of the month, if DPOR does not indicate the license is renewed, the FAAR office will terminate all services- association, Sentrilock and Brightmls.
How to print, pay, or email an agents' dues
  • On the portal, a broker or office designated person can pay agent dues and as part of this process they can also send a message to selected agents and print renewal notices. Start by logging in at  If you have not updated your information or logged in recently, you might be prompted to review your information before proceeding to the “My Account” page.
  • View the rest of the instructions here
Please visit the “My Account” page and click on “Get Started” to set up your portal information and apply for FAAR membership

  • The dues fee schedule can be found at If you are unsure of the amount of dues at the time of application, please call FAAR and we will share the latest cost.
  • No Sentrilock or Bright MLS services can be rendered at the time the application is turned in. There is a 24-72 hour turnaround time for applications.
  • A welcome email will be sent to the agent as soon as the application is processed.  Please have agents read it in its entirety.
Request an Office Visit
Should you be interested in arranging a visit from the FAAR staff and/or the FAAR President, please inform us of your preference. We are eager to conduct an office visit or participate in your sales meeting, as it suits your needs. Kindly access the following link to submit your request for an office visit: For optimal coordination, please include any specific dates and times you have in mind. We will make every effort to accommodate your schedule.

Broker News

Deck the Realtor Halls!

The 2024 holiday season has begun! As you begin to decorate your home or office, don’t miss the chance to show off pride in your profession with this 2024 Holiday Keepsake. For a $30 contribution to RPAC, you will receive the 2024 Virginia REALTOR®-branded pewter...

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Price, Inventory Up as Units Sold Remains Steady

The regional median home price was up year-over-year for the 18th month in a row this October, though at a lower percentage than many previous months.  The median sold price settled at $455,000 in October of 2024 compared to $440,000 in October of 2023, representing a...

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FAAR sends letter of concern on Stafford County impact fees

Stafford County is currently considering a change to its current Transportation Impact Fee of $2,999.  FAAR is concerned that the exorbitant fee will further impact housing affordability in the County and place an undue burden on purchasers of new home construction....

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Free Floor Plans Now Available through Bright MLS

Free Floor Plans Now Available through Bright MLS

Did you know that homebuyers consider floor plans to be one of the most desired data assetson a listing—second only to standard photos and listing data (NAR 2021 Homebuyers andSellers Survey)? CubiCasa’s mobile app makes creating floor plans FREE and easy. Use your...

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Toolkits to use and share

Being a New REALTOR®

Get on the road to success with tips, ideas, and helpful advice. Learn what other rookies have done to jump-start their careers, find first clients, overcome objections, and discover negotiation strategies.

Security Features on Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of marketing and communications. Get information on concerns with various popular social media sites as well as tips and suggestions to protect your privacy and identity.

Listing and Presenting

Prospective clients have to buy into the idea that you’re up to the challenge. Learn how to tailor your approach to the seller’s comfort zone, pinpoint the perfect price, and answer any objection.

Rookie Checklist

Life as a rookie real estate professional is not easy, but REALTOR® Magazine is here to help.Get answers to common first-timer questions and review the checklists for your first year in real estate and beyond.

Prospecting Methods

Prospecting is the lifeblood of any successful real estate career. The more people you come in contact with, the more listing and sales you can achieve. All it takes is a plan and some persistence.

Personal Marketing

Personal marketing is the process of getting your name out there and convincing people to contact you when they need real estate services. Learn how to plan and execute your personal marketing strategy.

Property Marketing

With all of the many options available to market a single property, it’s hard to know where to begin. Create a marketing plan and determine the best place and tone for your property advertising.

WorkSmart Sales Meeting Kits



Enhance your next sales meeting — and make sure your agents are up to snuff — with these 10-minute meeting kits.

What’s included?

The kit comes complete with a presentation (including a short video and Q&A), a broker’s guide, and a printable poster for your bulletin board or fridge.Check it out — you have to be logged in — and bookmark it today — and pump up your next meeting with just a few clicks of your mouse.

FAAR Classroom Room Rental

Hey Managing Brokers! Did you know you can use the FAAR classroom for FREE? Each office is entitled to use the classroom to hold their sales meetings up to 2 hours! This benefit can be used up to once per quarter, and it is for in-house meetings and training only. If you require longer rentals, or additional days, our classroom can be rented at low member rates!

More information request for Brokers

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